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Restaurant Business Plan From the "Actual Business Plan Series - Part 3"
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Restaurant Mentor Profile:

Our mentor has over 14 years experience in the food and hospitality industry. He gained experience in the restaurant business as an employee and learned very important inside information about running a restaurant.

One of the most important things to remember is "...It is not difficult to open a restaurant and be busy, it is difficult to open a restaurant and be profitable!"

Free Business Plan Advice Get Windows Media Player to Listen to Restaurant Business Plan Podcast
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An audio interview with a manager of an actual restaurant Requires Windows Media Player

Restaurant Business Plan Mentor Pic restaurant Business Pic 1 restaurant Business Pic 2 Restaurant Business Plan Podcast Restaurant Business Plan Interview on You Tube


    •  The greatest challenge of operating a Restaurant.
    •  What is the greatest reward of operating a Restaurant.
    •  Tips on Restaurant Business Focus.
    •  Tips on People Skills in the Restaurant Business.
    •  Tips on Pricing - How to beat the Restaurant Competition.
    •  Tips on Real World Experience - Real tips from an entrepreneur running a Restaurant!

    •  Download the entire interview - MP3 (duration 3min 12sec).

Restaurant Business Plan - Table of Contents These restaurant business plan files are protected by Mcafee

    Restaurant Overview

    Name of Company
    Type of Business
    Location of Business
    Type of Business Ownership
    Hours of Operation


    Description of Restaurant Product/Service
    Restaurant Menu
    Restaurant Food Specifications
    Restaurant Cooking
    Restaurant Inventory
    Restaurant Customer Service
    Restaurant Atmosphere
    Restaurant Location
    Restaurant Human Resources

    Restaurant Marketing Environment
    Restaurant Trading area analysis
    Identify the area
    Restaurant Competitor analysis
    Product analysis
    Restaurant Physical boundaries
    Restaurant Location
    Opportunity analysis
    Restaurant Target Markets
    Trends in the Restaurant Market
    Key Marketing Points
    Household Incomes Rising
    More women in the ranks
    Current Restaurant Marketing Objectives
    Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats
    Opportunities and Threats
    Marketing Implementation & Strategy
    The Product or Service, Policy and Guidelines
    Factors that may affect the Product
    Restaurant Promotion & Distribution
    Brochure Development
    Direct Mail
    Newspaper & Television
    Most Effective Marketing Areas
    Restaurant Financial Controls
    Sources of Marketing Funds - Year 1
    Sources of Marketing Funds - Year 3
    The Internet & Restaurant Marketing

    Sample Restaurant Menu Selection
    Restaurant Start-up Costs
    Restaurant Balance Sheet
    Restaurant Income Statement
    Restaurant Cash Flow
    Restaurant Financial Notes
    Restaurant Resources Used

How to Purchase purchase a restaurant business plan now!
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Restaurant-Business-Plan Book Cover The Restaurant Business Plan Includes:

An Actual Restaurant Business Plan (47 pages) for use in MS Word.
3 year Projected Income Statement for use in MS Excel.
Balance Statement for use in MS Excel.
Actual Start up Costs for use in MS Excel.
Cash Flow Statement for use in MS Excel.

Cost $35.00 for all files - no hidden fees

Special Offer - Free Demo Restaurant Point of Sales System
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Restaurant - Point of Sales System Features:

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How to open a Restaurant - Interview with a owner


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