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Youth Centre Arcade Business Plan From the "Actual Business Plan Series - Part 4"
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Youth Centre Mentor Profile:

Our mentor has been involved with the arcade amusement industry for about 8 years. During that time he built up his knowledge of the industry and later branched out into owning and operating his own Arcade / Youth Centre.

One of the most important things that our mentor would like to inform those who want to open this type of business is "...You get into this type of business to help your community to give the youth of the area a safe place to hangout".

Free Business Plan Advice Get Windows Media Player 7
An audio interview with an actual Youth Centre Owner Requires Windows Media Player

Youth Centre Owner Youth Centre Pics Arcade Pics Youth Centre Arcade Owner Podcast Youth Centre Owner Business Plan Interview on You Tube


    •  Why this entrepreneur decided to open a Youth Centre.
    •  The research and planning before the final step.
    •  The rewards of running your own business.
    •  How to beat your competition.
    •  Tips for the new business owner.

    •  Download the entire interview - WMA (duration 5min 32sec).

Youth Centre Business Plan - Table of Contents These youth centre arcade business plan files are protected by Mcafee

Description of Opportunity

Business Objectives

    Main Focus
    Plans for Expansion

Marketing Plan

    Market Research
    Market Research Results
    Marketing Strategy


Physical Facilities

Human Resources

    Day to Day Operations
    Management and Key Personnel

Legal Requirements

Financial Plan

    Financial Notes


    Student Survey
    Local Area Petition
    Interview with a Youth Centre Operator
    Start-up Costs
    Balance Statement
    Cashflow Statement
    Income Statement

How to Purchase purchase a youth centre arcade business plan now!
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Making your purchase is easy! After your credit card is approved, you will be forwarded an email with instructions for downloading the files. You can even have your purchase sent to you on CD-ROM or sent as email attachment. Ordering Online using your credit card is the fastest way to obtain the files since most orders are approved within minutes.

EBOOK COVER The Youth Centre Business Plan Includes:

An Actual Youth Centre Business Plan (34 pages) for use in MS Word.
3 year Projected Income Statement for use in MS Excel.
Balance Statement for use in MS Excel.
Actual Start up Costs for use in MS Excel.
Cash Flow Statement for use in MS Excel.

Cost $35.00 for all files - no hidden fees

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How to open an Arcade/Youth Centre - Interview with an owner


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